
Sexreligionpolitics [Alphabet],2006, 55x110cm, egg tempera on canvas

Sexreligionpolitics [Alphabet],2006, 55x110cm, egg tempera on canvas

Every image (its first letter in the Polish title) means the first letter of the inscription, so there is: sowa [owl]; europa [europe], kot [cat], sowa [owl], rower [bicycle], europa [europe], lina [rope], igla [needle], grzebien [comb], igla [needle], alef-alfa [alephalpha],pies [dog], oko [eye], lina [rope], igla [needle], torebka [bag], yeti [yeti] (traces), kot [cat], alef-alfa [aleph-alpha]


Marek Sobczyk

Marek Sobczyk
Marek Sobczyk (b. 1955) Painter, theoretician, designer, educator. Works and lives in Warsaw.

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