A Blue Stripe Always at a Height of 130 cm - The White Legs of a Girl

A Blue Stripe Always at a Height of 130 cm [The White Legs of a Girl]

A Blue Stripe Always at a Height of 130 cm [The White Legs of a Girl], 2009, 70x100cm, egg tempera on cardboard

Krasinski’s artistic concept of dragging the blue strap (by literally everything) at a height of 130 cm, egg tempera on canvas. In the case of that over two-meter tall girl (Paulinka) the artist managed to drag the strap and still fit it under her arm.


Marek Sobczyk

Marek Sobczyk
Marek Sobczyk (b. 1955) Painter, theoretician, designer, educator. Works and lives in Warsaw.

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