What? Sight – With What? With an Angle - Perspective

What? Sight – With What? With an Angle - Perspective [Stanislaw Grochowiak at an Angle]

What? Sight – With What? With an Angle - Perspective [Stanislaw Grochowiak at an Angle], 2000, 230x180cm, egg tempera on canvas

There was a note, a sketch on the table, I looked at the note, the sketch at an angle, there was a likeness of Stanislaw Grochowiak, whose poems I’d always liked [this feeling of a hair disturbing in the mouth and penetrating power to delirium].
Perhaps it’s important that in the paintings of the cycle: What? Who? - With What? With Whom?
I drew a given couple of categories each time throwing a dart at the board, in which the same categories, category groups, measures of visual art, names, brands, styles were written down horizontally and vertically.


Marek Sobczyk

Marek Sobczyk
Marek Sobczyk (b. 1955) Painter, theoretician, designer, educator. Works and lives in Warsaw.

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